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Good morning and welcome to Mich’s Monday Mantra, I am here in Dana Point California, in my garden to be exact. Today I am going to tell you about what happened over this past weekend, about the incredible storm that hit our city; in fact the rain has just stopped about minute ago. Since the storm has gone away I have decided to go out and do my Mantra for you. After the very strong storm, the vigor of it is still obvious, I can still see the streets all wet, the road is still and quiet, and you can still feel the rain falling out of the trees that were dancing with the storm awhile ago, the flowers around me with raindrops glistening on them. All water makes it look like there’s crystals glued on them. You can just feel the spring in the air, birds singing and rejoicing, everything has come back to life from being like a ghost town and it has all come alive. The Mantra for this day is about bringing the spring back to all of us. For us to pop up with bliss and come alive with the dreams, hopes and aspirations, that we all wish for ourselves , all this can come to life, all this can possibly happen. Even when  we are dealing with hardships, and fears in our lives, all can be well , all of this can be calmed and go away, if we simply look deep within and bring out the spring and the joy within. So my Mantra for you today is to just relax and try to bring out your joy to bring the spring back and have a great week in health. This is Mich bringing my Mantra you.

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