
Foto Friday- Splashing

Today's #FotoFriday is a shot I took at the Elephant Seal Rookery in San Simeon, California See the shiny splashes, the shot is Splashing Enjoy Splashing #FotoFriday #HIVThrive #HIV #LivingwellWithHIV #ElephantSeals #SanSimeon
by Michelle Sherman


Mich's Monday Mantra is coming to you from San Francisco, California. Our mantra today is Reflections and building bridges Enjoy https://youtu.be/4xQevTX8Ang #MichsMondayMantra #Reflections #HIVThrive #Mantra #LivingWellWithHIV #HIV #SanFrancisco
by Michelle Sherman

Let Your Voice Be Heard

Mich's Monday Mantra is coming to you from Pier 39 in San Francisco, California Our mantra today is "Let Your Voice Be Heard" Namaste https://youtu.be/uk_IRPNiMaE #michsmondaymantra #HIVThrive #mantra #livingwellwithHIV #consciouspharmacist
by Michelle Sherman